Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Different Martial Arts

Some Disciplines To Include In A List Of All Martial Arts

Before you make up your mind about joining any of the many different types of martial arts, it would be a good idea to first make a list of all martial arts because they all come in different styles and also types. If your introduction to martial arts has been through watching them performed on TV or in the movies, then such a list of all martial arts will help dispel false impressions and help you learn about the nitty-gritty of the various disciplines. And, if you are like the many that believe that martial arts is so easy that anyone can learn them in a short while, you would need to first do some research if you want to truly learn what each martial art type is really like and learn to separate fact from fiction.

Fairly Long Lists

You can be sure that a list of all martial arts that you make is going to be fairly long and there are bound to be some martial arts that are well known while others may come as a complete surprise to you. A list of all martial arts will help you firstly know about the better known martial arts such as Karate, Judo, Kung Fu and Jiu Jitsu, and also introduce you to some of the lesser known ones. Probably, the martial arts discipline that is sure to be at the top of a list of all martial arts would is Karate that is immensely popular and whose purpose is to help you attack as well as even kill attackers, though at present it is being taught as self defense discipline and which can be learnt by people of all ages.

Judo will also definitely find mention in a list of all martial arts and it is also very popular and which has been widely practiced in Japan where it was developed originally, and it has many benefits to it including being a fun activity, workout for cardiovascular health and just like Karate, it can be practiced by people of all ages as well as both sexes. And, just like Karate, it is meant to teach you self defense.

A slightly different activity that will also find place in a list of all martial arts is Kendo that teaches self defense while handling a sword, and it is something that is especially useful for soldiers in an army who can learn it to attack enemies, while also proving it useful to those who simply want to learn a fun martial art activity. Another activity to include in a list of all martial arts is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which is perhaps one of the better self defense martial art activities though its main focus is on ground fighting, and it can also be practiced by people of all ages, though it may prove to be a bit too much for children.

Thus, as is evident, there are many martial arts that can easily are included in a list of all martial arts, and you can be sure that once you learn them, they will all make you feel more confident and improve your fitness levels and most important of all, teach you to protect you from attacks.

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